Sunday, November 13, 2011


YES, It was a very bad decision for the coach of the ATLANTA FALCONS to go for it on 4th down in overtime on your end of the field!  unbelievable!!   why?   oh well,  the T.V. went out at the shelter so i had to keep up with the game on my computer, it wasn't bad, kinda fun.  Its the end of a beautiful day, i attended a very good A.A. meeting this morning, the topics was about our relationships with our families.  One guy who shared about his relationship with his father brought me to tears,  he talked about how he didn't appreciate his father and never told him and now that he's passed how much he regrets it.  He talked about how his father did nothing but work hard and provide for his family and that somehow he thought that wasn't good enough.  i don't ever remember me or anyone telling my DAD how much we appreciate him and thank you DAD for being a great father,  mother got all the credit, and still does. Not one of his children attend his church or practice his faith, we all followed mother, which now i can understand he didn't mind at all, he needed a break.  I took video of some army soldiers who had walked 48 miles and were still walking when i saw them!!  wow!  happy veterans day!

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